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STUDENT Podcasts

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These STUDENT podcasts are looking for guests like you...

Image of podcast Insert Philosophy Here
Insert Philosophy Here

The world needs more philosophy. More to the point, we all need to engage with the world with a more philosophical attitude. My name is Douglas Giles, I am a philosopher by trade and temperam...

Pitch Podcast
Image of podcast Boundless Body
Boundless Body

Welcome to The Boundless Body Podcast with The Somatic Doctor! Prepare to be captivated as Dr. B leads engaging discussions with special guests exploring alternative healing methods, psychotherapy...

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Image of podcast The Dirt on Earth
The Dirt on Earth

This podcast launched in July 2023 and it's growing a steady following. The Dirt on Earth is a geology podcast that features distinguished experts from all fields of earth and planetary science. Th...

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Image of podcast ITEtalks

Hello everyone and welcome to ITEtalks (international teachers education talks). Your host, Melinda Karaca will discuss different topics about teaching, student life, motivation, internships, ins...

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Image of podcast C.R.E.A.M. Academy
C.R.E.A.M. Academy

CREAM Academy is a show hosted by Money Management Specialist Queen Candace through the lens of her Queen BluePrint Financial Clinics. CREAM Academy provides a safe space for Black money stories to...

Pitch Podcast
Image of podcast The Weekend University
The Weekend University

The Weekend University aims to make the most important, evidence-based ideas from psychology more accessible, so you can use the knowledge to improve your quality of life. To do this, we organize m...

Pitch Podcast
Image of podcast SOAR Podcast
SOAR Podcast

The SOAR Mission is to lead those that struggle with substance abuse on a healthy journey to change through fitness, spirituality, and good nutrition practices. Our student to coach model encourage...

Pitch Podcast
Image of podcast  Get Ready for Rome
Get Ready for Rome

Get Ready for Rome helps the thoughtful traveler prepare to visit the Eternal City by introducing the city’s main monuments and the sometimes acrimonious dialogue they imply. Add value to your visi...

Pitch Podcast
Image of podcast Be++ (Business & Technology Podcast)
Be++ (Business & Technolo...

"Make smarter business decisions by listening to industry leaders as they share their million-dollar ideas, useful resources, out-of-the-box techniques, and strategies to help you start and grow yo...

Pitch Podcast
Image of podcast Sustainable Teacher
Sustainable Teacher

The live-workshop style education podcast that is helping teachers build sustainable classrooms so they can stay there longer without sacrificing their evenings and weekends to do so. Get inspirati...

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Image of podcast Declassified College
Declassified College

We help share the cheat codes to navigating college through short episodes 3 times a week.

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Image of podcast A Course In Miracles
A Course In Miracles

A Course in Miracles: Walking the Talk Living the Love Weekly Podcast provides profound support for those who struggle to express their beliefs from moment to moment in their everyday lives. A Cour...

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Image of podcast Dermasphere: The Dermatology Podcast
Dermasphere: The Dermatol...

The latest dermatology research! A podcast by dermatologists, for dermatologists (and for the dermatologically curious).

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Image of podcast The Classic Tales Podcast
The Classic Tales Podcast

Since 2007, I've been recording classic literature in an effort to make the classics accessible and approachable to folks who otherwise wouldn't be exposed to them. I'm a professional audiobook nar...

Pitch Podcast
Image of podcast Making Math Moments That Matter
Making Math Moments That ...

Wondering how to create a classroom culture where students don't want to stop exploring mathematics when the bell rings? Kyle Pearce from TapIntoTeenMinds.com and Jon Orr from MrOrr-IsAGeek.com tea...

Pitch Podcast
Image of podcast The Millionaire Student
The Millionaire Student

The Millionaire Student Show bridges the gap between Education + Entertainment = EduTainment. Sashin is on a mission to help you find the common denominators between all change makers. In each epis...

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Image of podcast Food Safety Genie
Food Safety Genie

Food Safety Genie is a space where you can learn about the fundamental aspects of Food Safety at a home scale. A space to create awareness about what, why, how, when and where is all answered via p...

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Image of podcast Retail Revolution
Retail Revolution

RETAIL REVOLUTION is a unique podcast originally created for "Retailing and Service Design,” a unique course that is part of the Fashion Management graduate program at Parsons School of Design in ...

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"I have been extremely pleased with PitchPodcasts! I was able to land my very first podcast and I’m just getting started! A very valuable resource for anyone looking to promote their product, service or story through guest podcasting!" - Emily Rotondi

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"I contacted five podcasters. I did five episodes 100 percent booking! Thank you!" - Lawrence B.

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