Choose 2 Think

Choose 2 Think

C2T is a weekly, faith-based podcast to inspire, motivate, and encourage you to choose your mindsets, attitudes, and thoughts with deliberation, wisdom, and consistency so that you can live your best THOUGHT life. You'll learn tips and tricks to overcome toxic thinking and step into your God-given purpose. It's about real-life Christianity and the positive impact you can have on those around you. You'll start renewing your mind daily, finding joy and deep gratitude at every turn. Isn't it time to start living YOUR best thought life? Join me today!

This podcast is looking for the following guests...

Bible-believing Christians 25 and older who aim to live day-to-day in spiritual, physical, emotional, and practical health and wellness. They have learned the importance of taking thoughts captive, giving thanks in everything, and walking with a renewed mind. They're interested in the brain/gut and mind/brain connections. They may be entrepreneurs stepping out in God's calling and purpose for their lives.

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