
You Should Write A Book About That™

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About You Should Write A Book About That™

Have serious questions about whether you should write a book? Is your story unique enough? Join Book Coach to Best Sellers® Kim O’Hara as she dives into stories with fascinating people about men you should avoid, when to take medicine into your own hands, how to be a top music manager, executing a life of peace and building beauty products, to name just a few of the vast topics covered with candor on the show. Should these musicians|artists|writers|CEOs|trauma survivors write a book or if they have, how did they do it? Check out AStoryinside.com for tips on book writing and more on host Kim O'Hara.

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Want to connect with guests who have unique stories about navigating trauma, music management, beauty products, and more to discuss their journey to writing a book on our podcast You Should Write A Book About That™ with host Kim O'Hara?

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.