
You Are Error

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About You Are Error

You Are Error is Aftermath’s podcast about common misconceptions in and around video games. Each episode interviews a different guest about something that either games or the people who play them frequently get wrong: It could be something mechanical, like climbing. It could be something born of narrative and world building, like Cyberpunk 2077’s obsession with artificial limbs and exoskeletons, as opposed to what disabled people in the real world actually want and need. A topic could be fairly lighthearted in nature, like horses, or it could be heavier, like an exploration of how arms manufacturers use games as advertisements. Regardless, the goal is not to chide or condescend, but to explain how we got here and what it all means – both for games themselves and for culture more broadly. Games matter. Let’s start treating them that way.

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Seeking guests who are experts in video game development, cultural studies, or disability advocacy to discuss common misconceptions in gaming, from narrative missteps to the real-world implications of in-game representations on our podcast, You Are Error.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.


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