Why Your Podcast Isn't Growing: A Get More Listeners Podcast For Podcasters

About Why Your Podcast Isn't Growing: A Get More Listeners Podcast For Podcasters
Are you finding it hard to grow fast even though you've been working long and consistently on your show? Over the last 3 years, Anthony & Taig, the founders of GetMoreListeners.com, have interviewed & coached 250+ podcasters and written multiple podcasting bestsellers (under the pen name Daniel Larson). ‘Why Your Podcast Isn’t Growing’ is their show focused on helping topic-focused podcasters gain clarity on why their shows aren’t growing as fast as they’d like. Every Monday, a successful podcaster with tens of thousands of listeners and a fully monetized show will leave you a 5-10 minute voice note sharing their stories, strategies, failures & the mindset needed to grow a successful show. Every Wednesday, Anthony shares growth-murdering mistakes podcasters often make causing slow and steady growth, and breaks down the changes needed to fast-track growth. If you’re looking to gain 1000s of listeners who not only follow your show religiously but take the next step, whether that’s becoming a patron, client or just supporting the show… You need to know what steps are worth taking and which to ignore. Step 1: listen to #2: 7 Reasons Why Most Podcasts Struggle To Grow That No One Is Talking About
What kind of guest might make a good fit?
Want to interview people who can discuss the challenges and strategies for growing a podcast? Look no further! We are seeking guests for our podcast, "Why Your Podcast Isn't Growing: A Get More Listeners Podcast For Podcasters." If you're a successful podcaster with tens of thousands of listeners and a fully monetized show, we want to hear from you. Share your stories, strategies, failures, and the mindset needed to grow a successful show in a 5-10 minute voice note. Additionally, if you have insights into the growth-murdering mistakes that podcasters often make, we'd love to have you on the show. Help us break down the changes needed to fast-track growth and provide valuable tips for our listeners. If you're ready to help fellow podcasters gain thousands of dedicated listeners who take the next step in supporting their shows, join us on "Why Your Podcast Isn't Growing." Take the first step by listening to our episode, "#2: 7 Reasons Why Most Podcasts Struggle To Grow That No One Is Talking About."
Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.