What's Happening in Israel
About What's Happening in Israel
Join Pastor Chuck Reich as he interviews people who have the inside scoop on what's really going on in Isreal. Check out the complete family of Overcomers TV Programming:Answering The Call: https://overcomerstv.live/horizon-media-production/answering-the-call/answering-the-call/Choose Life: https://overcomerstv.live/choose-life/Free Indeed: Celebrate Recovery: https://overcomerstv.live/celebrate-recovery/Fruitland Christian Fellowship Weekly Message: https://overcomerstv.live/fruitland-christian-fellowship/Power Over Predators: https://overcomerstv.live/power-over-predattors/Sexual Redemption: https://overcomerstv.live/sexual-redemption/
What kind of guest might make a good fit?
Seeking guests who are experts on Israeli politics, culture, or history, and can provide deep insights and firsthand experiences to discuss the current events and underlying issues shaping Israel today.
Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.