
This Is Me Attitude

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About This Is Me Attitude

Hello, I am Rachel Nelson your host for This Is Me Attitude Podcast. On this show, guest speakers and I share our personal journeys and relationships with the Holy Trinity (Jesus Christ, God, and the Holy Spirit). I am all about sharing the truth of God, and other's stories/journeys to help you grow in your relationship with the Lord or establish a brand new one. Lets dive in together and grow our relationships with the Lord. Connect with me on IG @thisismeattitudepodcast and join the email list and get a FREE gift - 10 steps to growing a more biblical mindset.

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Looking to interview individuals who have experienced transformative spiritual journeys with the Holy Trinity, to share their stories and insights on deepening one's faith, on the This Is Me Attitude Podcast.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.