
The Wonder of It All

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About The Wonder of It All

The Wonder of It All is a podcast about the blessings and curses of success. Sean Nelson, former lead singer of Harvey Danger, interviews artists (musicians, filmmakers, TV creators, actors, writers, etc.) about the ways their lives and careers were shaped by a conspicuous breakthrough, and how the experience changed their lives and careers for good and ill. The conversations aim for candid discussion of the way guests reacted to the opportunities and limitations afforded by their successes, and how—and if—they’ve made peace with the long shadow cast by good fortune.

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Seeking guests who have experienced significant breakthroughs in their careers, such as renowned musicians, acclaimed filmmakers, celebrated actors, or influential writers, to discuss the profound impacts of success on their personal and professional lives on The Wonder of It All podcast with Sean Nelson.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.


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