
The Well-Tempered Cast

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Music History
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About The Well-Tempered Cast

"The Well-Tempered Cast" (WTC), hosted by harpsichordist and historical organist Nenad Leonart, is a deep dive into the world of Historically Informed Performance (HIP) and a light-hearted homage to Johann Sebastian Bach – the one musician seeking to understand everything to its foundation and complete all form of music. This podcast celebrates the art and scholarship behind early music and attempts to offer a gateway into the exciting universe of baroque music and its historical keyboard instruments.The "Why"Preserving Historical Music: The podcast seeks to honor and preserve the authentic traditions and sounds of early music, ensuring that the true intentions of baroque composers resonate with contemporary audiences. Bridging Eras: It aims to create a bridge between historical music practices and modern understanding, inviting both enthusiasts and curious newcomers to explore the richness of the baroque period. Key to the Essence: The WTC seeks to uncover the truth behind early music by exploring the specific intentions of composers and the archetypical structures within their works, revealing a profound connection between true craftsmanship and the human spirit. The "What"Exploration of Historical Instruments: Episodes feature in-depth discussions on the design, mechanics, and unique sounds of instruments like the harpsichord, organ, clavichord, virginal, and the differences among unique national styles as well as epoques.  Insights into Performance Practice: Nenad and his guests delve into the nuances of authentic playing techniques, discerning different probabilities, and shedding light on how baroque composers intended their works to be performed. Historical Context: The podcast provides listeners with a glimpse into the lives, philosophies, and creative processes of composers like Bach, Handel, Scarlatti, and their contemporaries. Craftsmanship and Innovation: Expert luthiers and instrument builders join the conversation to share the artistry behind constructing and restoring historical keyboards. New technology helps to analyze and recreate historical instruments with unprecedented precision, enabling researchers to uncover hidden details about their construction and acoustics. The "How"Engaging Storytelling: Nenad narrates episodes with passion and clarity, blending technical knowledge with anecdotes and cultural insights to make the content accessible. Guest Experts: Each episode features guest performers, scholars, or instrument makers who bring specialized knowledge and vibrant discussions to the table...

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Looking to interview renowned harpsichordists, organists, luthiers, and scholars who specialize in Historically Informed Performance (HIP) and can provide deep insights into the craftsmanship, historical context, and performance practices of baroque music.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.