The Search for Accountability
About The Search for Accountability
The Search for Accountability is a monthly half-hour broadcast to increase public knowledge and visibility of how the federal Offices of the Inspector General (OIG) and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) work to improve the performance, accountability, and integrity of government. The show is hosted by Michael Binder, Director, Government Audit Training Institute and Federal Financial Management Programs at Graduate School USA. As a federal auditing thought leader, Binder will interview federal inspectors general and others to discuss their work behind the scenes, in providing oversight for accountability, improvements, and enforcement. The program raises awareness of the good work federal inspectors general do, tells great stories, and highlights the importance of integrity of, and public trust in, governmental operations ? aligning with the IG Act intent of “promoting economy, efficiency and effectiveness, and preventing and detecting fraud, waste, and abuse.”
What kind of guest might make a good fit?
Looking for guests who are current or former federal inspectors general, GAO analysts, or experts in government accountability and integrity, who can provide deep insights into the workings of OIG and GAO, discussing their roles in promoting economy, efficiency, effectiveness, and in preventing and detecting fraud, waste, and abuse in government operations.
Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.