
The Relationship Not Religion Podcast

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About The Relationship Not Religion Podcast

The Relationship Not Religion Podcast is a Christian Podcast that sheds a light on the difference between having a loving and meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ versus the religious rituals and rules that modern day churches practice. Let's face it, we live in a world where being a Christian is frowned upon due to the bad REP that was given due to these modern day religious and legalistic churches. Through meaningful and sometimes tough conversations, the RNR Podcast brings the focus back to the teachings of Jesus that enables us to live a Christian life that HE had intended for us.

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Seeking theologians, spiritual leaders, and former church members who can articulate the distinction between personal faith in Jesus Christ and the constraints of modern religious practices for deep discussions on The Relationship Not Religion Podcast.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.


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