
The ProPTN Podcast

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About The ProPTN Podcast

The Professional Piano Technician’s Podcast features interviews with experts from all corners of the piano technology industry. Geared towards beginners and skilled craftsmen alike, we cover topics such as manufacturing, business, tuning, regulation, voicing, and the subtle differences of working for the dealership, educational institution, and concert artisan. This podcast is brought to you by the Professional Piano Technician’s Network (ProPTN) – an online platform for piano techs of all experience levels. Check out proptn.org to browse articles, how-to articles, DIY tips, videos, and more!

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Want to connect with guests who are seasoned piano technicians, manufacturers, business experts, or educators skilled in tuning, regulation, and voicing, to share their insights and experiences on The Professional Piano Technician’s Podcast.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.