
The Focused Practical Dreamer's Journey with Jean Border: Energy Work to Better Your Business

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About The Focused Practical Dreamer's Journey with Jean Border: Energy Work to Better Your Business

Your body was designed so that if you get a cut, as long as you keep that cut clean and it’s not super deep, it will automatically heal, almost like nothing ever happened. Almost. Have you tried to start a business but gotten frustrated at slow growth, and nothing seems to work? Something’s holding you back. Or maybe you’re doing something that holds you back. Perhaps there’s something inside you that’s blocking you or creating your current reality, because you’re getting something from it. It’s feeding you in some way. But you want to learn. You want to grow, even if that seems scary, but you need things to change. Tune in and hear conversations with Energy Healer Jean Border, and feel a sense of relief and empowerment as we get rid of the baggage you’ve been carrying that’s held up your business success, up until now. Your limiting beliefs, anchors to past failures, and all your blocks to success go away, and you take off!

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Looking for guests who are energy healers, business coaches, or entrepreneurs who have successfully integrated holistic practices into their business strategies to discuss overcoming personal blocks and accelerating business growth on The Focused Practical Dreamer's Journey with Jean Border.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.