The Energy Fix

About The Energy Fix
The Energy Fix is a podcast dedicated to help you balance your energetic body by diving deep into the sweet world of all things health and spirituality. Everything is energy! And in this podcast we explore how energy imbalances can show up in so many ways — body aches and pains, emotional imbalances, illnesses, allergies, fatigue, just to name a few. We cover topics like nutrition, body movement, mindset shifting, brain rewiring, spirituality, emotional release, energy balancing, personal empowerment, your lifestyle choices, and so much more! This is a blend of solo episodes and interviews. Pushing the boundaries. Thinking outside the box. Enhancing your health is a REAL way. That's what you get here at The Energy Fix.
What kind of guest might make a good fit?
Interested in voices who can shed light on holistic health practices, energy healing, and integrative medicine to explore the profound impacts of energy imbalances on physical and emotional wellness for our podcast, The Energy Fix.
Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.