
The Disrupters with Bill & Candace...

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About The Disrupters with Bill & Candace...

The Disrupters will disrupt your local business while building it to a global business! Meet Candace Thompson founder of the Wild Child Group & William (Bill) Lee founder of the Keeba Agency, together these business hero's equal over 75 years of entrepreneurial experience. Candace & Bill will talk about how outside of the box marketing will work to build your business.
With our weekly quests talk about now technology has changed the way business today is done.
The Disrupters will entertain you while providing valuable business tips.

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Looking for experts in entrepreneurship, marketing, and technology to join Candace Thompson and William (Bill) Lee on The Disrupters podcast, where they share over 75 years of entrepreneurial experience and discuss innovative strategies to grow businesses globally.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.