The Crazy Over 40’s Life

About The Crazy Over 40’s Life
I'm a Certified coach & therapist. Author of 5 Step Challenge To Understanding The Crazy Over 40s Life. Midlife crisis impolitely describes the-ageing over 40’s. Let’s revamp this old notion and refer to these years affectionately as our crazy over 40’s life. Let’s uncover the rebirth of our adolescence, filled with curiosity interests and desires. I shall be delving into topics such as relationships, physical, emotional, and social wellness. Providing you with an enjoyable delivery , alongside a pirouette of rotating co-hosts as well as interviews. To navigate this crazy over 40s life
What kind of guest might make a good fit?
Seeking guests who can provide insight into navigating relationships, physical and emotional wellness during the crazy over 40's life for The Crazy Over 40's Life podcast hosted by a certified coach and therapist.
Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.