
The Camaro Show weekly Podcast

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About The Camaro Show weekly Podcast

Chris Frezza and Jason Debler host a weekly Podcast show about all things Camaro. Discussion will include latest news, topics, and rumors regarding the upcoming all new 6th Generation Chevrolet Camaro (Camarosix), as well as the current 5th Generation car. You can expect special guests, contests, and a fun show to listen to. Want to be part of our show, call in to our voice mail line at 586-486-3182 and leave us a message.

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Interested in voices who can shed light on the latest news and topics surrounding the Chevrolet Camaro, specifically the 6th Generation (Camarosix) and the 5th Generation models, to be featured as a guest on The Camaro Show weekly Podcast hosted by Chris Frezza and Jason Debler.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.