
The Calm Empowered Parent

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About The Calm Empowered Parent

There are so many resources out there for teachers and students, but what about parents? I'm here to set you up with the toolbox you need to become a calm, empowered parent. I'm Vanessa Callaghan, a proven educator and educational consultant with 15 years of classroom experience, focusing primarily on coaching and empowering parents. I've been in the trenches with parents in my yearlong Family Foundations Immersion program, and now I'm here to bring those lessons to you. In each episode, we will jump into important parenting topics with parents and experts to share powerful and effective tools in real-life situations. We're here to help you navigate tantrums, motivate your children with fewer rewards and punishments, promote childhood independence, discover your authentic parenting style, and more!

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Interested in voices who can shed light on parenting strategies and tools for raising empowered children, particularly those with experience in coaching parents and promoting childhood independence.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.