The Behind The Shades Show : Marriage, Mental Health, And Trauma Recovery

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About The Behind The Shades Show : Marriage, Mental Health, And Trauma Recovery
This is a show where we ask our guests how can we find love again. Each episode is a story for you. Your pain, your trauma, your success, and your path to happiness. Tuned in and ask us The Behind The Shades Show, why is it so hard to find love? We have the answer to that question. *** SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL FOR MORE ***
What kind of guest might make a good fit?
Interested in voices who can shed light on the complexities of rediscovering love post-trauma, mental health professionals, survivors sharing their success stories, or experts in marriage and emotional recovery, to provide insights and answers on our journey towards happiness on The Behind The Shades Show.
Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.