
Smarter Planner Podcast

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About Smarter Planner Podcast

Educating Financial Advisors on the things they should know (but don’t). Host Belle Osvath, CFP®, interviews industry thought leaders and professionals targeting meaningful and useful information to help you to stay at the top of your game. No matter how long you have been in the industry there is always more to learn and interesting people to hear from, so join Belle in her mission to become a smarter planner. This Podcast is sponsored by the Financial Planning Association’s National Capital Area chapter (FPA NCA) and will include the latest updates and announcements from the chapter. Find out more at: www.FPANCA.org

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Interested in voices who can shed light on innovative financial planning strategies, Belle Osvath seeks industry experts and seasoned professionals to share their insights and experiences on the Smarter Planner Podcast, helping financial advisors excel in their careers.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.