She Reinvented: Women Over 40 Reinventing & Starting Over | Midlife Reinvention, Find Clarity, Get Unstuck, Reboot, Reset, Pi

About She Reinvented: Women Over 40 Reinventing & Starting Over | Midlife Reinvention, Find Clarity, Get Unstuck, Reboot, Reset, Pi
Are you a woman in your late 30s, 40s, 50s who feels like your life needs a major reinvention, but you’re feeling stuck and unsure where to start? (And maybe worried that the life you really want is a little too “unconventional” and it’s a little too late to pursue it?) Welcome to the She Reinvented podcast! -------- In my own quest to reinvent and redesign all aspects of my life (after a major burnout in my 40s), I’m talking to women who transformed their own lives - well over the age of 35. From quitting their job and moving to another country, divorcing and starting over, rekindling an old passion, taking a sabbatical to travel the world, going back to school, or just embracing a new identity (& having the courage to leave behind the old) … You’ll find women in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond who are proving that it’s never too late and you’re never too old to leave convention, start over, and reinvent yourself and your life. -------- Join the community and let’s start reinventing our lives together! LINKS: Show notes and other goodies at INSTA: Follow along at JOIN THE CONVERSATION: Comment on episodes here: -------- STUCK? Not sure what you want? That was me too. Before imagining my next step, I had to remove the blocks to clarity. See how here: (FREE GUIDE) -------- ✨Please subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or your current podcast app to show your thanks & hear new episodes weekly ✨ -------- Questions? Ideas? Get in touch with me at -------- If you have time, please rate and review 5 stars to help get this podcast out there! And of course, share this with anyone and everyone you think would benefit from hearing these stories. -------- And remember: You're never too old, it's never too late, and you always have more options than you think!
What kind of guest might make a good fit?
Interested in voices who can shed light on midlife transformations, such as women who have courageously left their conventional paths to pursue passions or new careers after the age of 40, embodying the spirit of reinvention and resilience.
Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.