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About Restitutio

Restitutio is a Christian theology podcast designed to get you thinking about biblical theology, church history, and apologetics in an effort to recover the original Christian faith of Jesus and the apostles apart from all of the later traditions that settled on it like so much sediment, obscuring and mutating primitive Christianity into dogma and ritual. Pastor Sean Finnegan, the host of Restitutio, holds to a Berean approach to truth: that everyone should have an open mind, but check everything against the bible to see how it measures up. If you are looking for biblical unitarian resources, information about the kingdom of God, or teachings about conditional immortality, Restitutio is the Christian podcast for you.

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Seeking guests who can provide insight into biblical theology, church history, and apologetics for Restitutio, a Christian theology podcast aiming to recover the original Christian faith of Jesus and the apostles, free from later traditions, dogma, and ritual. Pastor Sean Finnegan seeks a Berean approach to truth, encouraging an open mind while checking everything against the Bible. If you have expertise in biblical unitarianism, the kingdom of God, or conditional immortality, join us on Restitutio for engaging discussions and thought-provoking conversations.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.