
Product-Led AI

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About Product-Led AI

How do you make AI useful? While a lot of money and attention have been focused on foundational models and chips – the "picks and shovels" of AI – it takes a different skill set to create AI products that change the way we work, learn, and live. We’re seeing this in AI co-pilots, AI-first networks and marketplaces, and entirely reimagined software categories where AI is solving long-standing challenges in new ways.  But how do they actually do it? Greylock partner and former product builder Seth Rosenberg talks with founders about their inspiration and process to build, test, and continually reimagine how AI and humans work together. Learn more about the series at productledaipod.com

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Want to connect with guests who are founders of innovative AI startups and have successfully integrated AI into products that revolutionize industries, focusing on collaboration between AI and human intelligence.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.


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