Popcorn Podcast

About Popcorn Podcast
Entertainment journalist Leigh Livingstone and movie expert Tim Iffland review the newest film releases, with celebrity interviews, trailers and movie news. Bite-sized, moreish and a little salty - this is Popcorn Podcast with Leigh and Tim. Visit the Popcorn Podcast website (popcornpodcast.com), watch our celebrity interviews on YouTube (@popcornpodcastwithleighandtim), and follow on Instagram (@popcornpodcast) and Facebook (@popcornpodcastau). Don't forget to leave a quick review on Apple Podcasts. We love to hear from you!
What kind of guest might make a good fit?
Interested in voices who can shed light on the latest film releases, provide insightful celebrity interviews, and offer expertise in the world of movies and entertainment.
Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.