
Peace-ing It Together with Annica and Ben

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Social Sciences
Content Advisory
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About Peace-ing It Together with Annica and Ben

Peacemaking isn't just for activists and hippies - it's for anyone navigating work, community life, or hobbies in a way that resists the assumption that violence is an inevitable part of the human condition. Join Annica and Ben as they talk to folks cultivating peace in unexpected ways, from directing a formal nonprofit to re-directing conversations and actions in faith communities, civic life, and creative work. A production of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship - presbypeacefellowship.org.

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

We're looking to connect with guests who are innovatively cultivating peace in their professions, communities, or creative endeavors, whether through leading nonprofits, engaging in civic activities, or transforming faith-based interactions.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.