
Oxygen for Educators

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About Oxygen for Educators

Oxygen for Educators explores the overwhelming demands placed on today's educators, often leading to burnout and emotional exhaustion. As anxiety, depression, and behavior incidents rise among students, kids need more, and the adults in the building are overextended and under-resourced. This podcast features inspiring interviews with educators, administrators and counselors making a difference in the lives of countless students. In each hopeful conversation, we acknowledge hard truths and real challenges while simultaneously mining for light-lift, high-impact ideas, practices, and solutions.

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Interested in voices who can shed light on innovative educational practices, Dr. Jane Smith, an expert in educator mental health and resilience, would be an ideal guest for our podcast, Oxygen for Educators, to discuss strategies for supporting both teachers and students in managing stress and preventing burnout.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.


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