On The House with Spartan

About On The House with Spartan
Navigating the world of real estate and property management can be overwhelming and this show provides listeners with the resources and subject matter expertise needed for success, totally on the house. On The House with Spartan is your go-to show for real estate and related topics. Hosted by Lindsay Davis, CEO & Co-Founder of Spartan Invest, this show covers all things real estate - from market patterns, industry insight, construction, property management, and other investment avenues. -- To learn more about our full-service turnkey operations, check us out online at www.spartaninvest.com. Connect with Spartan! Facebook: @spartaninvest Instagram: @spartaninvest Twitter: @spartaninvest Connect with Lindsay! Facebook: @spartanlindsaydavis Instagram: @spartanlindsaydavis
What kind of guest might make a good fit?
Want to connect with guests who are experts in real estate, property management, construction, and investment avenues to provide listeners with valuable insights and resources on navigating the world of real estate and property management on our podcast, On The House with Spartan?
Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.