On The Fringe in Hollywood

About On The Fringe in Hollywood
Hosted by the directors of the Hollywood Fringe Festival in Hollywood California. Ellen and Lois will be interviewing all types of guests in the Theatre and Arts Community including key players in arts funding, politicians and organizations trying to make a change in funding for the arts in the Los Angeles area. From time to time we will get in depth interviews with creators and artists who have been acknowledged for their works during past Hollywood Fringe Festivals, discussing the history of their life as an artist, their show and pick their brain on their process of creating their work during the Hollywood Fringe Festival run of their production.
What kind of guest might make a good fit?
Looking to interview innovative theatre creators, influential arts funding advocates, and politicians involved in Los Angeles arts initiatives, who can share insights and experiences from the Hollywood Fringe Festival and discuss the impact of arts in the community.
Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.