
My AI Love Affair

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About My AI Love Affair

Hey, It's Ronsley. Welcome to "My AI Love Affair," How I stopped being married to working long hours. Join me 3 times a week as I share growth tactics, interview AI-savvy business owners, and demystify AI advancements. It's like a chat with a friend who makes AI simple and useful. I'm a computer scientist with a Masters' in software engineering. I am also an entrepreneur, TED speaker, author and podcaster (with over 1500+ episodes). Ready to transform your business with AI? Let's start this love affair. Subscribe now!

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Looking to interview experts in artificial intelligence and business owners who have successfully integrated AI into their operations for My AI Love Affair podcast with Ronsley, a computer scientist, entrepreneur, TED speaker, and author, to share growth tactics and demystify AI advancements.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.