Mind, Muscle, Medicine

About Mind, Muscle, Medicine
My name is Phil Kaplan, I’ve been immersed in the health, fitness, and performance world for over 40 years, and today I’m referred to as a Medical Fitness Pioneer with a solid and proven track record of reversing chronic disease in thousands of people from all walks of life. I’m here with my fellow world hanger, Dr. K The podcast is called M3, for Mind, Muscle and Medicine... and these are the three area people are most confused, most compromised, and most misled. Mindset is the vital determinant of your well being, Muscle is your power and your ability to move and navigate the physical world, and Medicine, in our world, has far less to do with pharmaceuticals than the purveyors of allopathic therapies and the TV Commercials would lead you to believe. Why should you hang out with us? Three reasons. Empowerment, Congruence, and Miracles. That’s what we’ll provide. We’ll show you how to unleash the power to control your own physical outcomes, how to find consistency and congruence along your path to betterment, so finally things make sense, and lastly, how to reconnect to true miracles of the human machine with all of its tangible and intangible gifts. We’ll be here every week, sometimes just us, sometimes with compelling guests, and the door is open for any and all of you to get your weekly dose of M3. Peace!
What kind of guest might make a good fit?
Want to connect with guests who are experts in holistic health, innovative fitness trainers, or medical professionals pioneering non-pharmaceutical therapies to discuss empowerment, congruence, and the miracles of the human body on our podcast, Mind, Muscle, Medicine.
Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.