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About Meditation...WTF?

The research is out...the science is clear...the benefits of meditation are astounding, life changing and spill over into almost every aspect of our lives in a positive way. Sooooo, why aren't we all doing it daily? Sometimes? At all?? Cheri Flake understands why...meditation eludes us, it seems intimidating, hard and even strange sometimes. Unbelievably, our brains are actually wired up to avoid making meditation (especially!) a new healthy habit that lasts...This podcast is filled with tried and true methods so you can begin winning all of those private battles in your head and finally start reaping all of the amazing benefits a regular meditation practice can bring into your life and in such a short time! Cheri is absolutely unlike any therapist or meditation teacher you have ever encountered. Hailed as the THE Stress Therapist and fondly, "Dolly Parton meets the Dalai Lama," in a fun, humorous way, you'll learn not only how to meditate and keep it up, but also practical tips on how to get better at stress, stay motivated and focused so you can work on creating healthy habits and happy living. Cheri’s mission is to teach meditation to as many people as she can because in her words, “There is truly nothing better for you…except for maybe water.” With Cheri as your guide, the seasoned practitioner gets a brush up in a whole new light and the beginner has a clear place to start and a path with which to proceed. Guesswork, wondering if you’re “doing it right," uncomfortable dogma or finding yourself in intimidating settings is over. You will learn why meditation is important and enough about what exactly is happening in your brain during deep mediation to help you replicate and improve your practice. More experienced participants will come away with new techniques and perspectives, and beginners with a solid foundation and the groundwork to handle the practical every day integration of a meditative practice into your life and how to make it a habit that lasts a lifetime. Within her private practice providing counseling, coaching, workshops, hypnotherapy and meditation classes, Cheri has taught thousands of people how to meditate in a straightforward no-nonsense, highly engaging and fun way so that meditation is accessible to everyone. The benefits of meditation are astounding and you deserve all that it can offer you. It’s time to remove the mystery of it all and get a practice of silence into your life simply, finally and forever. Cheri lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband and two children. She loves music, yoga, reading, road trips, scrabble, homemade salsa and hanging out on her back porch with her family and her dog, Psyche. www.thestresstherapist.com

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Looking for guests that have experienced the transformative power of meditation and can share their personal journey in a fun and relatable way, while also providing practical tips and techniques to help listeners integrate meditation into their daily lives and make it a lasting habit.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.