Le Pont Des Arts Episode 1 - Dourone : L'alliance

About Le Pont Des Arts Episode 1 - Dourone : L'alliance
Nous sommes fiers de vous présenter le premier épisode de Du pont des arts, dans lequel nous explorons l'univers artistique de l'alliance Dourone. Après avoir peint des murs pharaoniques aux quatre coins du monde, les artistes ont décidé d'adopter une nouvelle approche, un nouveau regard sur leurs peintures et leurs nouvelles aspirations. Entre esthétisme, poésie et questionnement sur les enjeux actuels de notre société, l'alliance Dourone nous invite à comprendre leur pratique artistique à travers ce bel échange. We are proud to present the first episode of Le pont des arts, in which we explore the artistic universe of the Dourone alliance. After having painted pharaonic walls in the four corners of the world, the artists have decided to adopt a new approach, a new look at their paintings and their new aspirations. Between aestheticism, poetry and questioning the current issues of our society, the Dourone alliance invites us to understand their artistic practice through this beautiful interview. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
What kind of guest might make a good fit?
Seeking guests who are muralists or street artists with a global perspective, who have engaged in transformative artistic approaches and are keen to discuss the intersection of aesthetics, societal issues, and poetic expression in their work.
Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.