
Ireland's Social Impact Podcast

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About Ireland's Social Impact Podcast

Social impact refers to the effects on society resulting from actions, policies, or projects led by individuals, government bodies or organisations. Oftentimes, this collective effort can go unnoticed. In this podcast, we chat to guests who have created a positive social impact and provide a platform to discuss their work, aspirations and personal stories.

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Want to interview individuals who have made a positive social impact in Ireland and discuss their work, aspirations, and personal stories? Join us on Ireland's Social Impact Podcast as we shine a light on the actions, policies, and projects that have contributed to a better society. From government bodies to grassroots organizations, our guests will share their experiences and insights on how they have made a difference. Tune in to be inspired and learn about the social impact happening all around us.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.