Hearing Jesus: Bible Study, Spiritual Growth, and Faith Leadership for Women
About Hearing Jesus: Bible Study, Spiritual Growth, and Faith Leadership for Women
Do you doubt God’s voice, thinking it may just be your own? Do you struggle to understand what you are reading in the Bible? Do you ever feel stuck in your spiritual life? Do you feel God’s calling on your life to lead, but you just don’t know how? Do you wish you could know what God’s plans for you are? If you are ready to grow in your faith and the confidence of who you are in Christ- you have found your people! Hey, I’m Rachael Groll, Pastor, Author, Missionary, Life Coach, and now: your new bestie! After leaving almost a decade of ministry because of burnout and exhaustion, I found myself in a place of doubting my call, wounded by church hurt, and ready to call it quits. Except the thing is, when God places a call on your life, He leaves it there. I sought the Lord, open and honest with my insecurities and fears, and He met me there. God slowly started restoring my heart, speaking life into places I had long thought dead. Several years later, I have seen God move on my behalf, opening doors and redeeming things the enemy had stolen. Now, I have the privilege of teaching women across the globe about the ways God loves them, calls them, and equips them. Friend, you are loved, you are cherished, and you are His. The Hearing Jesus Podcast will encourage and equip you to step into the calling God has for your life, living out your faith in the everyday. Together we will break down walls that keep us from growing spiritually. We will dig deep into our Bibles to understand and connect the Scriptures to our lives. We will boldly obey what God calls us to do, walking through doors that only He can open. Join me for your weekly dose of faith, honesty, and prayer. Learn -> https://shehears.org Connect -> rachael@shehears.org Community-> https://www.facebook.com/SheHears.org/ Instagram-> https://www.instagram.com/she_hears/ Missions Support-> https://www.cotni.org/campaigns/rachael-groll FREE 7-Day Devotional: Desires of the Heart -> https://shehears.org/free-7-day-devotional/ Want to go a little deeper? Purchase the She Hears: Learning to Listen to Jesus Bible Study on my Etsy shop here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/SheHearsShop?ref=profile_header Also available on Amazon or wherever books are sold. In this six-week study from the Book of John, Rachael Groll takes you on an in-depth exploration into the lives of six women Jesus knew. Women often deal with feelings of insecurity and unworthiness, yet the lives of these women show that Jesus values us, wants a relationship with us, and can use us to further His kingdom. In her warm, conversational style, Rachael ties together her life experience, knowledge of the Scriptures, and her compassion for women to encourage us and enable us to become the women God has called us to be. Need to chat one on one? Snag a private session with Rachael: rachael@shehears.org
What kind of guest might make a good fit?
Looking for guests that have experienced doubt, struggle with understanding the Bible, feel stuck in their spiritual life, and feel called to lead but don't know how, to share their stories of growth and faith on the Hearing Jesus: Bible Study, Spiritual Growth, and Faith Leadership for Women podcast.
Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.