
Guilded Periodically the Podcast

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About Guilded Periodically the Podcast

Guilded Periodically the Podcast coincides with the literary magazine of the same name. The literary magazine created by The Fiction Forge showcases the art and writing of its founding members and associates. The magazine showcases poems, short stories, visual art, interview transcriptions, horoscopes, and more. The podcast dives deeper into the minds, hearts, and souls of the creators of the individual works that make up the entirety of Guilded Periodically. The podcast will walk you through the magazine chronology, bringing you stimulating, invigorating, and healing conversations.

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Interested in voices who can shed light on the creative processes behind poetry, short stories, and visual arts, as well as those familiar with the intricacies of literary magazine publishing, to enrich discussions on our podcast, Guilded Periodically.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.


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