
Extraordinary Creatives

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Visual Arts
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About Extraordinary Creatives

The Extraordinary Creatives podcast takes you on a captivating journey into the hearts and minds of exceptional creatives and social entrepreneurs who have defied all odds to create a lasting impact. Your host, Ceri Hand, creative coach, entrepreneur, and seasoned arts and business insider, brings you a treasure trove of insights through in-depth interviews, creative coaching and Ask Me Anything advice episodes. At the core of this podcast is the belief that creativity is the key to success, but it's the courage, confidence, and resilience to dare to be different that truly makes an impact in the world. Ceri’s warm, playful, and straight-talking approach unlocks the ideas, processes, mindset, victories, and challenges of those trailblazers who have paved the way before us. Our mission: supporting 100,000 creatives by 2025 by providing exclusive access to information, inspiration, and expertise. Tune in, find your tribe and unleash your creativity with the Extraordinary Creatives podcast.

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Looking for guests that are innovative artists, social entrepreneurs, or creative visionaries who have overcome challenges to create a lasting impact in the world for the Extraordinary Creatives podcast hosted by Ceri Hand.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.