
Earn & Invest

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About Earn & Invest

Join us for thought-provoking conversations that empower you to Earn and Invest wisely, shaping your future while making informed decisions today. Every Monday, our wide-ranging panel discussions explore various financial topics, fostering engaging conversations that challenge conventional wisdom and provide fresh perspectives. Then, on Thursdays, we delve into individual interviews, offering deep insights from experts who share their experiences and expertise. While we may not always uncover definitive answers, our goal is to equip you with the essential questions necessary to navigate a richer path towards not only financial independence but living a life full of purpose, identity, and connections.

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Want to connect with guests who are experts in personal finance, investing, and financial independence, and can provide deep insights and fresh perspectives on earning, investing, and living a purposeful life?

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.