
Diwa Soul Sessions

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About Diwa Soul Sessions

DIWA SOUL SESSIONS is a decolonized podcast around the FILIPINX experience. If you're interested in being a guest, please contact: TRINITY@DIWASOUL.COM *Theme song: Healing in C by Diwa Soul is available for digital download on all major platforms* -- About the host: Trinity Villanueva is a mother, musician, artist, educator, and coach. She's the Founder of Diwa Soul LLC: - Diwa Soul Sessions, podcast - Trin's Music, in-home music lessons - Kapwa Koven, online coaching for Indigenous + queer healers - Sanctuaries, a fiscally sponsored (Fractured Atlas) experiential healing project

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Seeking guests who are passionate about exploring and sharing the FILIPINX experience through the lenses of decolonization, culture, art, and activism for engaging conversations on Diwa Soul Sessions.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.