
Daring to Leap: A Career, Empowerment, & Personal Growth Podcast for Women: Challenge the Status Quo & Leap!

Daring to Leap: A Career, Empowerment, & Personal Growth Podcast for Women: Challenge the Status Quo & Leap! Image


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About Daring to Leap: A Career, Empowerment, & Personal Growth Podcast for Women: Challenge the Status Quo & Leap!

Are you a woman with a great career, on paper, but something still feels missing? Is your heart telling you that you are meant for more but self-doubt & the status quo is holding you back? Daring to Leap is the podcast for you! Hosted by Loree Philip, a former 16-year Fortune 50 corporate professional, who broke out of her comfort zone, found the courage to listen to her heart, and leap into a more authentic and meaningful path. This podcast is dedicated to empowering you to challenge your status quo, overcome your fears, and gain the confidence to leap in your career and life, in a way that works for you. We are putting you in the driver's seat! You will be inspired by our accomplished female expert guests who have overcome fears to make big leaps in their lives and careers. You will learn expert career advice and actionable tips that will help you overcome your fears (including self-doubt & imposter syndrome), bring out your strengths, and navigate your career path with more ease, purpose, and authenticity. Join our community of women empowering women each week on TUESDAY. Each episode is short (less than 39 min), yet impactful for busy women with full lives. Tune in and together we can conquer our fears, lift each other up, and gain the confidence to leap. It's your time to shine!

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Interested in voices who can shed light on overcoming self-doubt and challenging the status quo? Look no further than our podcast, Daring to Leap: A Career, Empowerment, & Personal Growth Podcast for Women: Challenge the Status Quo & Leap!. Hosted by Loree Philip, a former Fortune 50 corporate professional, this podcast is dedicated to empowering women to listen to their hearts, overcome their fears, and make meaningful leaps in their careers and lives. Join us each week as we feature accomplished female experts who have conquered their own fears and provide actionable tips and advice to help you navigate your own path with confidence and authenticity. It's time to step into the driver's seat and shine!

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.