
Cloud Journeys - The B2B podcast for leading businesses with a competitive edge!

Cloud Journeys - The B2B podcast for leading businesses with a competitive edge! Image


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About Cloud Journeys - The B2B podcast for leading businesses with a competitive edge!

A journey into modern Cloud & AI technologies and the latest and best that the Cloud has to offer. We cover application modernisation, managed cloud services, cloud cost optimisation, security, and training and hosting AI solutions on cost-effective cloud architecture. Including topics concerning AWS, Google Cloud and Azure cloud platforms. Brought to you by Firney - a Managed Cloud Services Provider and official Google Cloud Partner.

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Interested in voices who can shed light on application modernisation, managed cloud services, cloud cost optimisation, security, and hosting AI solutions on AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure cloud platforms, as well as provide insights into the latest advancements in Cloud & AI technologies.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.