
Changing Gamedev Life Podcast

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About Changing Gamedev Life Podcast

At Changing Gamedev Life, we showcase the stories and experiences of those from inside the industry, with the aim of giving listeners a peek into the joys and challenges of work in games. Our guests come from a wide array of backgrounds and disciplines, and illustrate multiple pathways into gameswork. Their narratives include useful tips and advice for those who may be aiming for careers in games, and offer insight into the non-traditional ways they found fulfilling careers. changinggamedevlife.substack.com

What kind of guest might make a good fit?

Looking to interview seasoned game developers, industry insiders, and unconventional career pathfinders who can share their diverse experiences, challenges, and expert advice on thriving in the gaming industry for our Changing Gamedev Life Podcast.

Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.


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