Beyond The Letter of The Law

About Beyond The Letter of The Law
The weekly Torah portion includes far more depth than what appears in a quick review of its passages. Each week in Beyond the Letter of the Law, Harry Rothenberg, Esq. (Rothenberg Law Firm LLP, provides interesting insights and take-away lessons from the Torah portion and the Jewish holidays. Subscribe to enjoy his unique blend of analysis, passion, and humor.
What kind of guest might make a good fit?
Looking for guests that have a deep understanding of the Torah, Jewish holidays, and can provide interesting insights and take-away lessons for our podcast Beyond The Letter of The Law with Harry Rothenberg, Esq. (Rothenberg Law Firm LLP). Join us for a unique blend of analysis, passion, and humor as we explore the weekly Torah portion and Jewish traditions. Subscribe now to delve beyond the surface and discover the hidden depths of these ancient texts.
Note: Guest insights are created with AI assistance.