Derek Goodwin

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Yoga teacher and yoga photographer, kirtan wallah, and vegan since 1996.

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About Derek Goodwin

I am a true Renaissance man, but I will write this from the perspective of yoga, since I want to promote my podcast called "Don't Forget Yoga."

I became a Jivamukti Yoga teacher in 2011, and was soon hired to be the web editor for their international brand. I moved to NYC in 2012 to work at their Union Square studio, and began teaching there as well. I have been a professional photographer since 2000, and I turned my skills towards photographing yoga and have built quite a gorgeous portfolio.

I am also a musician, often found playing my ukulele in the park or at a gathering of people. I recently started a kirtan band called the Bhakti Barnacles, and we play around New England. I am the lead wallah, and also play harmonium and guitar.

I struggle with memory, and so my podcast was created around the songs and mnemonics that I create to help me remember yoga philosophy and anatomy. I like yoga classes that include the spiritual teachings along with the physical asanas. I love inversions.

I have been a vegan since 1996, and my first podcast was Vegan Radio which launched in 2005 and lasted about 5 years. A little ahead of my time...


  • Yoga
  • Veganism
  • Musician