Alexandrea Day

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Change your Mind; Change your Life - New Scalable Self-Assessment, Self-Change App & EEG-enabled Headset to Change Self-Defeating Perceptions

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About Alexandrea Day

I was a therapist for 18 years and then a technologist for 18 years. I have now built a tool that delivers my highly successful process to change unconscious perceptions that direct autonomous, unwanted behaviors. Reversing self-defeating beliefs to empowering ones literally changes behavior within two weeks. The amazing results I have had with my clients is now available for anyone to literally talk to their brain, find out what the block is and then create space each day for 5 minutes, to reinforce the unlearning and relearning needed to modify beliefs.

No one is stuck anymore based upon their programming. The Meta-Brain App connected with Bluetooth to the headset that measures brainwaves guides a chatbot Q&A session to drill down and find the underlying perception that if changed, would benefit a person greatly. Any bad habit, negative thinking, or self-defeating behaviors can be changed!

Invite me to discuss and you'll be amazed at how much it helps people. I will even walk you, as the speaker through a very simple exercise, to experience how we all tell on ourselves if I ask enough WHY questions. It will be fun, revealing, and you will bring the hope of change to many.


  • neurotech
  • SaaS
  • Wellness