Steve Grogan

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I show people a method of exercise that the fitness industry doesn't want them to know about.

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About Steve Grogan

The fitness industry has been lying to most people for decades. How so? Let me count the ways:

1) Telling people they need to be in the gym 5-6 days per week for an hour or longer
2) Telling people they need to split their routine into "strength training days" and "cardio days"
3) Claiming that cardio workouts will turn your body into a "fat-burning furnace"
4) Saying your results will plateau unless you keep changing up the exercises you do
5) Selling products that claim to reduce fat in certain areas (ab workouts, Thigh Master, etc.)

It's time people knew the truth. When exercise is done properly, all you need are two 30-minute workouts per week.

This is something we have known since the seventies when a man named Arthur Jones was creating the Nautilus line of exercise equipment. Sadly, this method got buried, and the high-volume method of exercise (going to the gym for hours at a time, sometimes multiple times per day) became more popular thanks to the star power and charisma of bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arthur was more abrasive than Arnold, so it's no wonder this concept got lost in time.

Well, I am not as abrasive as Arthur, and I am probably not as charismatic as Arnold, but I am still doing my best to bring this time-efficient, scientifically-sound, and SAFE way of training to the masses.


  • Exercise
  • Fitness
  • Health