Maia Cook
All things campaign finance-related! Super PACs, lobbying, political contributions.
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Maia Cook is one of the US' youngest campaign finance reform advocates. When she was 18, she gave a TEDx talk called, "Money Talks: Revisiting Citizens United v. FEC." She is currently a student at Yale, where she researches the effects of the deregulation of independent-expenditures on public policies around the US. Maia is also a reporter at OpenSecrets, where her work has been picked up by The Hill, The Independent, Jane Mayer, the Campaign Legal Center, Raw Story, and a handful of local outlets. In 2023, Maia was invited to speak at the American Democracy Summit, where she spoke alongside four attorneys on a panel about campaign finance jurisprudence and the constitution. Currently, she works as a research assistant to Lawrence Lessig, the Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and Leadership at Harvard Law School.
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- Money in politics
- Super-PACs
- Citizens United v. FEC