Mia Kotalik

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I bring a dynamic blend of tech expertise and relatable stories, guiding both aspiring entrepreneurs and tech lovers through the intricacies of the digital realm.

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About Mia Kotalik

Hey there, tech enthusiasts and podcast hosts! I'm Mia, and if you're on the lookout for a guest who's all about the exciting intersection of technology and entrepreneurship, I've got you covered.

My journey into the tech realm began at the age of 8 when I discovered the world of programming – it was like uncovering a hidden treasure. Fast forward to high school, and I put my tech skills to work, freelancing to earn extra cash. College was a whirlwind of balancing my studies and coding gigs, all of which fueled my passion for tech even more.

Despite my relatively young age, I've clocked almost a decade in the freelance tech arena. The tech world doesn't stand still, and neither have I. I've got a treasure trove of stories, some quirky, some jaw-dropping, all gathered through the curious journey of tech job interviews.

More than lines of code, I'm all about sharing experiences. I've seen the pitfalls that trip up small businesses and fellow entrepreneurs when they're building their online presence. But don't worry – I'm here to spill the beans on these common missteps and arm you with the insights you need to avoid them.

When I step onto your podcast stage, get ready for a vibrant mix of stories and insights. Podcast hosts, let's chat, share, and create an episode that leaves your audience buzzing with new ideas and ready to conquer the tech scene!


  • Web Design and Development
  • Web Design and SEO
  • Software