Sharon M. Wyman

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Author of new biography, Power, Passion, and Faith: Emmy Carlsson Evald, Suffragist and Social Activist

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About Sharon M. Wyman

Since childhood, Sharon Wyman has heard family stories about Emmy Evald. They were grand tales indeed of Emmy’s trip to China, where she thwarted a robbery attempt, and of her travels to India, where she spent the day with a viper in her cot. But it was not until Wyman relocated to Chicago, where Evald grew up, that her interest in family history blossomed.

As Evald’s great-granddaughter, Wyman has access to her personal papers, scrapbooks, and photographs. Plus, she has the inside scoop from family members who knew Evald best, adding to an intimate portrait of Evald’s life.

Wyman grew up in St. Louis, Missouri, and spent twenty years in corporate communications. She currently lives on Cape Cod with her husband, Bob, their beagle Annie, and a cat named Calvin. Power, Passion, and Faith is her first book.

Wyman is available to speak on a variety of topics, including researching and writing about family history, women’s and voting rights, and Emmy’s fascinating life story.



  • author
  • nonfiction
  • feminism