Maegan McCarthy Fox

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Our Company created the world's first and only CBD for IV Therapy and the results will blow your mind.

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About Maegan McCarthy Fox

PICO IV™ is at the forefront of medical innovation, pioneering the integration of bioavailable phytocannabinoids, like CBD, into evidence-based patient care. Our flagship product, PICO IV™ CBD, utilizes a sterile IV solution to maximize the therapeutic benefits of CBD across a range of medical conditions.

We empower healthcare professionals with the clinically-proven PICO IV™ CBD IV therapy. Through ongoing training and research support, we facilitate seamless integration into existing practices.

This comprehensive approach fosters a new era of holistic wellness, offering patients a transformative and evidence-based therapeutic option. By partnering with PICO IV™ , you can elevate patient experiences and improve clinical outcomes, ultimately advancing the future of integrative medicine.


  • CBD
  • Holistic Health
  • IV therapies