Cynthia Martin

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My call is to set captives free, from whatever holds you back from becoming all he created you to be and do. Through his love, forgiveness and at times a bit of a push.

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About Cynthia Martin

Cynthia Martin is a powerhouse of faith, motivation, and practical wisdom. As a Minister, Christian Life Coach, Author and Mentor, she has spent over 20 years guiding individuals and churches towards fulfilling their highest potential.

Cynthia's expertise stems from a rich tapestry of experience. She is the author of three insightful books, each offering valuable insights on navigating life's challenges and embracing your true calling. Her engaging personality and captivating presence shone through as host of the cable television talk show "Real Life," where she facilitated meaningful conversations and inspired countless viewers.

For over two decades, Cynthia has been a trusted confidante and source of support for churches, offering invaluable Pastoral Care counseling. Her warm, friendly demeanor and infectious energy create a safe and empowering space for personal growth and spiritual exploration.


  • Self-love
  • Set Free
  • Self-acceptance